Reddit is a place for more than 2.8 million subreddits, however, there are almost 100,000 plus active groups of people on the site. There are many subreddits like r/realestate, which give the best discussion space for real estate holders and you will find the best books for investing in 2022. Also, we have some popular Real Estate Reddit (best real estate subreddits) so you can visit them and start your discussion!
What Is Reddit?
Reddit is an online platform, a massive forum specially designed for business-minded people. You can find various subcommunities to gain access to commentary, content creation, news, and any discussion. Reddit is a simple platform to allow communities to update their subreddits anytime on the site.
What Are Subreddits?
A specific community is known as a subreddit. Within each respective subreddit, you may find different moderators who have access to create rules for community members. These moderators can also create a mandatory guide to be followed by the members. Therefore, many subreddits don’t have moderators or restrictions, but some find guidelines for developing strong communities.
Eight Best Real Estate Subreddits
Whether you are a new real estate investor or running an established business, seeking new sources of information is always crucial. That’s why choosing the best real estate Reddit forum can give you a new way of thinking and open opportunities. Here are the eight best real estate subreddits to start learning new things:
- R/Realestate
- R/Landlord
- R/Realestateinvesting
- R/Real_estate
- R/RealEstateTechnology
- R/Realestatefinance
- R/Realtors
- R/Zillowgonewild
R/Realestate has a broader focus as compared to other subreddits. With fewer moderations, investors and homeowners are posting in news & discussions. This subreddit isn’t about landlord issues. So, if you are looking for a landlord issue discussion, focus on the other subreddits.
R/Realestate has crossed over 13,000 members and is a good place for real estate discussions such as; consumer information on mortgages, real estate markets, selling, buying, and more. One of the best real estate subreddits is a place for real estate owners to discover new points and find open opportunities.
The best subreddits for landlords; is r/landlord. R/landlord is all about the latest news, discussions about rental issues, and discovering new ideas from other landlords. Also, you can learn multifamily apartment investing ideas. The landlords share ideas and solutions to tackle difficult situations.
Every post on r/landlord has an open location filtered feature to get the best viewpoint according to an area when needed. It is a large community (over 60,000 active members) to share tips and real-world bits of advice.
Real estate investors flock to the r/realestateinvesting subreddit for questions, insights, tips, and challenges on real estate investing. The community is big enough to discuss real-world challenges, open Q/A, and other important facts about real estate.
r/realestateinvesting is a big community for interested investors in property management. The place is perfect for daily encouragement, monthly discussions, and giving a piece of advice on how to start investing without being robbed.
It has over 290,000 members, making it one of the largest subreddits dedicated to investors discussing their issues with other Reddit users. This place is great to be directly involved in a deep discussion with other investors.
According to the current description and posts, this is one of the best real estate subreddits that focuses on real content associated with real estate investing, mortgages, landlording, and foreclosures.
Real estate investors always want to improve their technical understanding, and that’s why r/RealEstateTechnology is the best option to get in touch with the latest trends in the Reddit space.
Focused on innovations and trends in real estate technology, the scope in this subreddit varies from SaaS tools to portable apps, home devices, and other electronic gadgets that will help real estate investors to become savvier.
Despite its small size, this financing subreddit loads a point with topics such as lending mistakes, what isn’t introduced in schools about financing, and lending templates. If your focus is more on financing, then you need to try this subreddit to improve your knowledge and main ideas.
Unlike most other forums, R/Realtors provides a place for REALTORS to talk about the business of selling real estate, industry-specific ideas, news, questions, and stories. You can even share your ideas and solutions on how to solve tricky situations in real estate investing.
Discover new ideas, meet new people, and share valuable discussions with each other. New investors can find this subreddit a helpful place to begin their investing journey ahead.
Finally, a place where you can enjoy some fun experiences. In r/zillowgonewild, listings are posted that make you wonder, which is a delicate euphemism for strange and ugly homes. The subreddit is perfect for people who are bored with solving investing issues, they can enjoy some time here.
Even though it can be time-consuming and painful, r/zillowgonewild offers a laughable, blissful moment to get away from the everyday challenges of real estate investing. You will enjoy seeing funny photos, challenges, and more.
Pros of Real Estate Reddit
Here are some of the benefits of real estate reddits:
- Lots of learning
- The latest news and current events
- Open links to valuable sources
- New ideas
- Discussions with other users.
Cons of Real Estate Reddit
- Sometimes tough advice
- Allow limited connections
- Local vs national.
What Real Estate Investment Books Are Recommended?
Apart from online forums like Reddit, real estate investment books are also very helpful in improving ideas. NNNDigitalNomad is a place where investors can discover not just investment books but more about real estate and its importance.
As we all know, the advice on Reddit isn’t always accurate. But this is indeed the most active and learning place anyone can find online. Reddit online forum is a place for millions of people who take genuine advice from this place. Real estate Reddit (best real estate subreddits) offers many valuable suggestions across the world. NNNDigitalNomad offers engaging content, the latest news, current ideas, and more about real estate investors.
I remember when I first set my mind to becoming a successful real estate entrepreneur, reading books were the fastest way to consume information. Now it’s even easier with Audible and Kindle because I can listen when I’m on the road or load dozens of books on a single device. I know you will become successful too as you have taken the time to get this far, cheers to your journey!
Before you go, check out my list sharing the 7 Essential Books for Real Estate Investors